国内第一次头、颈肌电研究学术交流会圆满结束 The first domestic academic meeting on head and neck electromyography research ended successfully 由首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院、香港大学、美国DE LUCA基金、DELSYS,INC.主办,世纪天鸿国际集团 DELSYS CHINA承办“头,颈肌电研究对嗓音、言语和呑咽的应用”学术交流会圆满结束,期间来自国内外十多所大学、医院科研机构的声音嗓音专家学者参加了交流会! Organized by Beijing Tongren Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, Hong Kong University, US DE LUCA Fund, DELSYS, INC., Century Tianhong International Group DELSYS CHINA hosted the academic exchange of "head, cervical muscle research on the application of voice, speech and whimper" The conference will be completed successfully. During the period, experts and scholars from more than ten universities and hospitals at home and abroad participated in the exchange meeting! 头、颈肌电研究学术交流会现场 Jenny Vojtech针对肌电技术新发展在言语和吞咽的应用发言 Jenny VojtechSurface electromyographic technology for new possibilities in speech and swallowing research 杨静 M.D,徐文 M.D.针对功能性发声障碍患者的表面肌电图特征发言 Jing Yang M.D, Wen Xu M.D. Surface Electromyographic Characteristics of Patients with Functional Dysphonia 魏鹏绪针对dEMG吞咽研究发言 Dr. Wei PengxudEMG and swallowing study 王非凡,姚文礼针对不同语音任务的表面肌电图测量:初步研究发言 Fei-fan Wang, Edwin Yiu Surface EMG measurements for different voice tasks: A preliminary study Jenny Vojtech针对运动性言语障碍患者的面部肌电控制通信接口发言 Jenny VojtechFacial electromyographic control of communication interfaces for individuals with motor speech disorders 现场提问环节 茶歇时间老师们互动交流 世纪天鸿国际集团 DELSYS CHINA展台 会后专家合影留念,期待下次头、颈肌电学术交流会! |